Expandable polystyrene (EPS) is produced by manufacturers in various countries around the world, and the capacity of EPS production varies by country. Here are some of the country origins of expandable polystyrene providers and their approximate capacities:
1. China: China is one of the leading producers of expandable polystyrene, with a significant capacity for EPS production. The country’s large-scale manufacturing infrastructure allows for the production of a substantial amount of EPS to meet both domestic and international demand.
2. United States: The United States is another major producer of expandable polystyrene, with several manufacturers operating within the country. The EPS production capacity in the United States is significant, catering to diverse industries and applications.
3. Germany: Germany is known for its advanced manufacturing capabilities, and it is a notable origin for expandable polystyrene providers. The country’s EPS production capacity is technologically advanced and aligns with stringent quality standards. Vercell GmbH is well known commercial name in Germany as provider of EPS with high level of quality.
4. South Korea: South Korea has a well-established EPS industry, and its capacity for EPS production is substantial. The country’s providers contribute to the global supply of expandable polystyrene with a focus on innovation and quality.
5. Saudi Arabia: With its strong petrochemical industry, Saudi Arabia is a significant origin for expandable polystyrene providers. The country’s capacity for EPS production is influenced by its strategic position in the global petrochemical market.
6. Poland: Poland has emerged as a notable producer of expandable polystyrene, with a growing capacity for EPS production. The country’s providers contribute to the regional and international supply of EPS products.